About the NJI

The NJI's Leadership in Judicial Education

Based in Ottawa, the National Judicial Institute (NJI) is an independent, not-for-profit with charitable status institution committed to building better justice through leadership in the education of judges in Canada and internationally.

Since its inception in 1988, the NJI has continued to develop and deliver stimulating programs and a variety of electronic resources that foster judicial excellence. Alone or in partnership with courts and other organizations, the NJI is involved in the delivery of the majority of education taken by judges in Canada.

Why Judicial Education Matters

A lifelong project of learning is essential to judicial excellence and strong judicial institutions anywhere in the world. Continuing technological, environmental and socioeconomic changes have rendered the landscape of judging ever more complex, requiring judges to maintain a steady commitment to career-long education.

Judicial education:

  • Promotes and upholds respect for the rule of law and Charter values
  • Sustains mutual understanding in an increasingly diverse world
  • Supports judicial independence
  • Expands the pool of knowledge and experience available to judges, fosters dialogue, and offers a diversity of perspectives that strengthens judicial reasoning and decision making
  • Is essential to the effective administration of justice — thereby preserving public confidence in our courts

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